Thursday, August 5, 2010

Emotional Eating and Overeating

This week, our Wellness Counselor offered a great discussion about emotional eating patterns and how mind-body techniques can help curb overeating. She provided many examples and tips on how to redirect your thinking when you have the urge to eat – like drinking a big glass of water before eating or slowing down when enjoying your meal. She suggests taking a bite of food, putting your fork down and enjoying every flavor and texture. One fact I found most interesting was that it takes about 20 minutes for our bodies to realize it’s full. Wow, I will definitely slow down my eating!

I have been talking to a few Get Fit! participants lately who feel guilty about eating too much or the wrong kind of food. I want them to realize that it’s okay if they eat a piece of dessert or enjoy going out for dinner. The feeling of failure or guilt can lead to giving up. My advice to everyone is, instead of feeling guilty, eat better the next day or exercise an extra 15 minutes.

I know some participants have been battling emotional eating their entire life. Food should be thought of as a source for fuel and nutrition rather than a coping mechanism. This is a work in progress but I think everyone is getting much better at distinguishing true hunger from a bad-day-at-work-I-want-to-eat-everything-in-sight craving. And for this, they are well on their way to achieving a healthier life.

For more on this topic, read Curb Emotional Eating.
