Monday, July 12, 2010

Eating Healthy....Everyday

Like anyone, I enjoyed the festivities of the Fourth of July - going to parties and overindulging in food. I am curious how the Get Fit! group did over the holiday. Most of the participants are losing weight and enjoy their increased energy. Eating a little more is certainly okay, just as long as you stay active. Going for a brisk walk before a party or filling your plate with fruit and vegetables first, are good ways to maintain weight.

An important component of the Get Fit! program is healthy eating. Our dietitian will work with the group, focusing on Meal Planning. I’m a busy mom and know how hard it is to prepare meals that are fast and healthy. I found you need to be organized and prepare meals or part of the meal when you have time and not wait until 6:00pm to make the meal! Discussion will include how to simplify meals. Here are a few simple recipes that are heart healthy.

Do you have any favorite recipes to share?
